Photo Credit : Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

We are Hope in Action

For over 55 years we have been walking alongside the world’s most vulnerable. We work with communities to help them achieve their development goals and build a better future for all. By listening to locals and working together, we create lasting change.

The way we work

By partnering with local communities we support them to build better lives for themselves - improving access to sustainable livelihoods, clean water, sanitation and education.  

We have learnt from our work over the years that for those living in poverty, locally-led development programs can create lasting change in communities. That’s why we work with communities at the grassroots to eliminate poverty, by focusing on local strengths to promote positive change. 

Our Principles

Our work is informed by Catholic Social Teaching Principles of human dignity and solidarity.

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Our Approach

We work with communities to harness local strengths and resources.

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What Causes Poverty?

Explore some of the key issues that cause inequality and poverty.

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What we do


to emergencies such as the Beirut explosions, or typhoons and flooding in South East Asia


Disaster Risk Reduction strategies, particularly in the Pacific Islands, where local communities are experiencing rising sea levels due to climate page. 


rural communities with sustainable agricultural practices, such as the Farmer Field School in Nepal


water catchments, so communities have access to fresh, clean water and are able to grow crops.


access to education and workshops, so vulnerable people can learn new skills.


rural midwives in quality antenatal, delivery and postnatal care for women.


poverty in Indigenous Australia through projects such as Djilpin Arts, which generates an income and provides sustainable development opportunities for women and young people in rural communities. 


for fair policies in Australia where these policies directly impact our partner communities, including on climate change, restoring the overseas aid budget and justice for First Australians.