Students at the Catholic Earthcare Youth Summit in Perth, 2021

Catholic Earthcare Australia

Catholic Earthcare Australia is a program of Caritas Australia that responds to the ‘cry of the earth’ to safeguard creation and provide a voice for victims of environmental injustice.

Founded by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Catholic Earthcare Australia promotes understanding that creation is sacred and must be protected and preserved for present and future generations.

It is mandated, through the activities of education, research and advocacy to give leadership in responding to Pope John Paul II’s call to ‘stimulate and sustain the ecological conversion’. It responds to the call of Laudato si’, the environmental encyclical in which Pope Francis invited Catholics all around the world to reflect, pray and take action to protect our common home.

Find out more about how you can be involved with Catholic Earthcare through our Schools, Parish and Family Programs here


Visit the Catholic Earthcare Australia website